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Shakeup in Georgian Politics: Parliament Axes Gender Quotas!

In a surprising move, the Georgian Parliament just overruled President Salome Zurabishvili’s veto on a bill that scraps mandatory gender quotas for political parties. This means parties no longer have to fill their candidate lists with a specific number of women!
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What’s the story?

President Salome Zurabishvili wasn’t a fan of this change, arguing it goes against Georgia’s goals of aligning with Europe. But Parliamentarians disagreed, voting 28 to 1 to shoot down her objections. They then went ahead and passed the whole package.

So, what changes?

Bye-bye quotas: Parties can now pick their candidates freely, without needing to meet a set number of women on the list.
Smaller lists: The minimum number of candidates required for a party list has shrunk from 60 to 30.

This move was championed by the “Girchi” party, and it seems they had the majority on their side.

What now?

The big question is, will this mean more or fewer women in Parliament? Supporters say it promotes equality by letting parties choose the best candidates, regardless of gender. Opponents worry it’ll be harder for women to get elected without those quotas pushing parties to include them.

Only time will tell how this shakes up Georgian politics. But one thing’s for sure, it’s a move that’s bound to spark debate!

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